Paintaholic Project for Flatiron
When we first started this project I had no clue what I would create, sometimes for me, just thinking of what app to build can be more stressful than just building the app itself. Then I though back to a personal project I had made a schema for in javascript, and thought to myself….why not give that a go with ruby!
Truth be told since my other schema was for a non relational database, it was not extremely helpful, other than that I had a base idea of where I wanted to go with the project. I had a lot of reach goals that I was unable to implement as to get them working would have required mixing in javascript to my ruby, and I did not feel comfortable doing that yet.
And so the painting CRM I named Paintaholic was born!
What was nice was being challenged with finding workarounds for things! For instance, users have the ability to create a “job” that they then add rooms to. I wanted my room form to have an “add room” button so that they could submit multiple rooms at once. Since this was not possible without mixing in javascript. I simply made the form submit redirect the user to the same page. As well as added a spot that displays all rooms beneath it, so they could be sure the data was recieved and could keep track of the rooms they already added.
I ended up playing around with CSS quite a bit, just to give the site a decent look. I was hoping to use bootstrap, but again, I just did not feel ready to start mixing in javascript. Instead of lamenting, I decided to take it as a good refresher, as though there are technologies that make formatting and design much easier, such as bootstrap and react… never hurts to refine ones core understanding of the basics. In the end I came out quite happy with the general design!
Im excited to have made a base model for what can eventually have an admin login, the ability to email out estimates to users, and other additional functionality!
Link to Video Walkthrough:
Link to Repo: